漫画『ゴールデンカムイ』を無料で「試してみるかい?」How to read "Golden Kamuy" for free



"Golden Kamuy," an adventure manage set in Hokkaido can read for free on YouTube. This is a generous offer by Young Jump, the magazine carrying the manga.  Why don't you try the manga version before you watch animation series by subscribing FOD, which I introduced you previously?

2016 漫画大賞『ゴールデンカムイ』 2016 Manga Grand Prix-winning "Golden Kamuy"

82,568 回視聴•2016/03/28 ヤンジャン漫画TV

『ゴールデンカムイ』マンガ大賞2016 大賞受賞!



"Get your soul up" is a very provocative copy. Sorry but "erection" is a frequently appearing word in this story (but not an essential word).

『ゴールデンカムイ』のポイント3つ  "Golden Kamiuy" in 3 points

  • 野田サトルが2014年から『ヤングジャンプ』連載している漫画で、2018年に手塚治虫文化賞
  • 明治末期の北海道・樺太を舞台にした、金塊をめぐるアドベンチャー漫画
  • アイヌ文化を丁寧に描いていると評価、とくに狩猟と料理
  • The serial cartoon by Satoru Noda has been published in Young Jump since 2014. Won Tezuka Osamu Cultural Award Award in 2018.
  •  A adventure comic over gold set in Karafuto area in Hokkaido Prefecture around the end of Meiji Era
  • Highly evaluated with the fine description of culture of Ainu indigenous people particularly in hunting and cooking

You can check details of the animation version below.

ヤンジャン漫画TVで原作漫画を味わおう! Enjoy manga at Young Jump Manga TV!

ヤンジャン漫画TVは、アニメではなく、あくまでも”漫画”を動画にしています。こうした「漫画動画」はアニメ作るよりぜんぜん低予算なのに、アニメと同等 (あるいはそれ以上?) の楽しみが味わえます。現在よくある「ハウツー本などの漫画化」はこうした「漫画動画」ですよね。自分もなんかやるなら簡単な「漫画動画」がやりやすいなぁって思います。

Young Jump Manga TV is a channel mainly offering manga movies, movies consist of a series of manga frames, instead of animation. Such "manga movies" can be created at lower budget than animation but make you enjoy stories as much as animation (or maybe more). Recently we can see a lot of this type of manga movies based on how-to books.  I am interested in this type of manga movies and would like to make them someday because they are easy to create.

【漫画】運動が脳に与える驚きの効果【脳を鍛えるには運動しかない】 Manga Movie-New Fermi University "Amazing effect of excersise on your brain"

185,525 回視聴•2021/02/04
【新】フェルミ漫画大学 チャンネル登録者数 17.3万人

かなり勉強になる”フェルミ”シリーズ。上記で紹介されているのは原作が20年前の本なんですが極めて重要なことが書いてありますね! 有酸素運動しないと、記憶をつかさどる海馬の餌(BDNF, Brain-derived neurotrophic factor)が出ないとは!

The "Fermi" manga movie series is quite interesting. The book introduced by the above movie is about very important facts. If you don't do aerobic exercise, you cannot gain BDNV (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor), food for the hippocampus responsible for memory!


Be that as it may, the drawing of "Golden Kamuy" is superbe. No wonder it won the Manga Grand Prix. The realistic sensations will bring you to the wilderness in Hokkaido, where various characters and animals are running around. Be careful! Once you start to read the manga below, it's a rollercoaster you can't get off!

【1-1話】不死身の最強男が凶悪死刑囚とアイヌの金塊をめぐって… Ep. 1-2 Immortal man knows the sotry of prisoners and ainu's gold


ヤンジャン漫画TV 1,962 回視聴•2020/12/14

主人公杉本佐一またの名を「不死身のスギモト」は日露戦争(明治37-38年) の激戦地203高地を生き抜いた。
Saichi Sugimoto aka "Immortal Sugimoto" is an ex-soldier who survived the fierce battle of 203 Hill in the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905). 

【1-2話】不死身の男vsヒグマ Ep. 1-2 Immortal man vs. brown bear


ヤンジャン漫画TV 638 回視聴•2020/12/28 

杉本、アイヌの少女アシリパさんと出会う。Sugimoto encountered Ainu girl Asirpa san.

【2話】獰猛なヒグマと戦った結果!?Fight with a ferocious bear


484 回視聴•2021/01/04

刺青の秘密が明らかに。 The secret of tattoo was unveiled.

【3話】狩猟用の罠を人間に使うと!?  Ep. 3 If you seet hunting trap for humans


ヤンジャン漫画TV 583 回視聴•2021/01/11

二人で囚人の捜索開始。The two started to search for prisoners.

【4話】仲間割れ!?脱走した死刑囚を捕えて…  Ep. 4 Split? Catch an escaped prisoner


ヤンジャン漫画TV 593 回視聴•2021/01/17
のっぺらぼうの存在を知る。They knew the existence of the condemned Nopperabo (faceless monster).

【5話】陸軍最強の兵士vs不死身の元軍人!?  Ep. 5 Strongerst soldier vs. Immortal ex-soldier


ヤンジャン漫画TV 3,238 回視聴•2021/01/24


Hyakunosuke Ogata in the 7th Division appeared. The chitatapu of squirrels.  

【6+7話】 元軍人がキレたらヤバすぎた!?  Ep. 6-7 Don't make the ex-soldier mad!


ヤンジャン漫画TV 3,504 回視聴•2021/01/31
"Escape King" Yoshitake Shiraishi appeared. Sugimoto's pathetic past.

【8+9話】不死身の男が軍に目をつけられた!? Ep. 8-9 Immortal man was marked by army?


ヤンジャン漫画TV 432 回視聴•2021/02/07


Rabbit chitatapu with fermented bean paste. Matagi hunter Genjiro Tanigaki appeared.

アシリパという稀有なヒロイン Peculiar heroine Asirpa


A number of unique (queer) charactueres appear in the manga. Personally, I am fond of Asirpa, an Ainu girl. She knows how to fight and survive in her filed, the wilderness of Karafuto, has multiple views as a woman who can communication with wajins (Japanese people), does not use feminine wiles, and treats the main character "Immortal" Sugimoto (an ex-Japanese-Russo War soldier) harshly.  Sugimoto's absurd politeness to Asirpa is also nice.


When you read the manga version, you can clearly understand how Sugimoto and others depend on Asirpa's knowledge and experience as an Ainu hunter in order to survive in the wild Hokkaido. Accordingly, Sugimoto call her "Asirpa san" with some respect, not just "Asirpa." On ther other hand, Sugimoto is just a man carrying eatable crap (Osomoa) i.e. miso for Asirpa. (<<Come on, you're way out of line!)
In some manga and animation works, girls are just treated as a sexial objects, and I am not happy with such cases.  So I really love the setting of Asirpa in this story. When I first heard about the role of Asirpa as "a beautiful girl who met hero Sugimoto," I imagined a character like "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind,” but actually Asirpa is far above typical "girls who can fight" in her ability and skills for fighting and survival. In addition, cute girls in manga and animation are often carrying a little mascot (a small pet, robot, outer-space creature and whatever) on their little shoulders . However, Asirpa eat those little ones and eat them all. This is another point that charms me as a cooking enthusiast. (Anybody who doesn't like such a scene should NEVER read this manga!)   

アシリパさんと動物の関係 Relationship between Asirpa and animals


"U look tasty, my friend" #1【Golden Kamuy】 Special Comp
1,342,762 回視聴•2019/02/16 Anime Fan チャンネル登録者数 1.22万人


Note: In Ainu people, to capture and eat animals for survival means to succeed in the lives of animals. Accordingly, they do not kill or cook animals wastefully. The soul of killed animals is enshrined as a natural god (kamuy). (Said Asirpa san.)  

FODプレミアムなら『ゴールデンカムイ』3シーズン全て無料! You can watch all 3 seasons of "Golden Kamuy" in FOD Premium for free!!

FOD Premium Membership is free for 2 weeks. Now you can watch all three seasons of "Golden Kamuy" in FOD Premium for free. The season 3 is delivered only via FOD!

ゴールデンカムイを完全無料で楽しむ方法結論 Conclusion: How to enjoy "Golden Kamuy" for free 

  1. ヤンジャン漫画TVで9話まで無料で楽しむ
  2. そのあとFODを登録して2週間無料で楽しむ(急いで観れば3シーズン分を全部観ることは不可能ではありません)観きれなくて、1か月だけ入会しても888円で済みます。
  1. Enjoy the manga at Young Jump Manga TV through Episode 9.
  2. Later, enjoy the animation, becoming an FOD free member for two weeks. If you cannot watch all three seasons within the period, pay 888 yen for one month more. 

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