ヒロシ戦略および ”仕事師”高純純次 Hiroshi's tactics and Jyunji Takada's "professionalism”

This time, let's check how Hiroshi has fighted based on his "Work Style 1.9" strategy and comparison with the "professionalism" of Jyunji Takada.  

ヒロシ年表(直近17年)Hirosh Timeline for past 17 years

  • 2004年 「ヒロシです」ネタでブレイク。しかし、トーク力やリアクションを返す能力が極端にないため、ひな壇失格
  • 2009年 もともとあがり症なことから所属事務所に「テレビに出ません」宣言。仕事激減し、自殺志望、パニック症候群に苦しむ
  • 2015年「ヒロシちゃんねる」ソロキャンプ開始、再ブレイク
  • 2018年『働き方1.9 君も好きなことだけして生きていける』ヒットセラーに。
    BS朝日テレビ『迷宮グルメ 異郷の駅前食堂』スタート
  • 2020「日刊ヒロシちゃんねる」へとアップグレード。現在チャンネル登録者数105万人
  • 2004    Becomes popular with stand-up using a phrase "Hiroshi desu" but fails in regular comedians on TV shows because of low ability to do talk and react smartly 
  • 2009    Suffering from stage fright, declares "not to appear on TV" to his production office. Faces a fall in the number of his stages. Suffers suicidal feelings and panic syndrome
  • 2015    Starts camping-solo YouTube channel "Hiroshi Channel" and regains popularity
  • 2018    Book titled "Work Style 1.9--You can survive by doing what you like." Launches BS Asahi Television "Meikyu Gourmet; Station-front restaurant in a strange land"
  • 2020   Expands his channel to "Daily Hiroshi Channel." Currently 1.05 million subscribers 

純粋自虐ネタ「ヒロシです」Pure sadistic talk "Hiroshi desu"

1,640,011 回視聴•2013/03/14 opop ui チャンネル登録者数 2040人

今観ても結構面白いです! でも、面白いネタが作れて演じれることと、ひな壇で当意即妙なトークができることは別ですよね。逆にいうと、面白いネタが出来なくても、よどみなく司会進行が出来てプロダクションのバックが強ければ安泰なわけです。

The talk is pretty interesting! However, the ability of creating a funny scenario for stand-up does not mean the one of giving a witty talk on the TV show. In contrast, although  not being able to offer an interesting stand-up, you can stay on TV if you can be a smooth-talking MC with support of a powerful production. 
つまり、ヒロシは、従来のテレビ・エンタメのお笑い界(ゼネラリストが評価される)においては、無能だったわけです。 これは以前記事にしたピコ太郎こと古坂大魔王も同じでした。テレビ向けの芸風ではなかった。不利な闘いを続けても負けは見えています。ならば戦術は二つ。

To put it simply, Hiroshi is regarded as an"inability" talent in the traditional TV entertainment industry, a field for all-round players, just as Kosaka Daimaou a.k.a. Picotaro. Their styles do not fit TV shows. It is not clever to continue with fighting against odds. Now there are two tactics to be taken.   

戦術1:キャラ設定で”無能道” を極めろ!by ひろゆき  Strategy 1: "Pursue inability by character setting" Hiroyuki


110,230 回視聴•2021/01/16
ひろゆけ チャンネル登録者数 5.31万人

Q: I am incompetent. How can I survive at the current office? 




Answer: Pursue innability!

If Hiroshi wants to stick to the legacy television industry, he has no choice but to pursue inability. He survives in the old industry as a "low-profile" and "low-price," i.e. "easy-to-use" comedian. The condition for surviving is to be liked by everybody. Not bad, there are many comedians who fall under this type.

戦術2:違うフィールドで好きなことを増やせ by ヒロシ  Strategy 2:  "Inch up time to do what you like" Hiroshi  

266,353 回視聴•2019/11/28 たかまつななチャンネル 


How can you live by doing what you like?

It is unrealistic to live by doing only what you like. So you should increase the time you do what you like little by little!  <<This is a very clever way of doing.

ずぼらでピュアなヒロシのYouTube術 Hiroshi's casual, pure YouTube technics

  • 仕事にしないこと=好きなことをやること(好きじゃないと続かないから)
  • 楽しむのが一番の基本、ひたすら自分の「萌え」ポイントを撮り続ける
  • 計算を入れると好きなものが嫌いになってしまう
  • 片手間にやってる
  • Don't do it as your job. Just do what you like (You cannot keep going it if you don't like it) 
  • Just enjoy. Just keep shooting the best scene for yourself.
  • If you start calculation, your passion will wear off
  • Enjoy it in your spare time


You can keep doing it when you do it in your style.  When you keep doing it, it will bear fruit (but not always).  Even if you failed in getting a remarkable result, you can at least stay happy because you like doing it. This Hiroshi strategy reminds me of Dr. Seiroku Honda who advocated "making your job your hobby."  

2020年ついに日刊に踏み切った『ヒロシちゃんねる』 In 2020, Daily Hiroshi Channel launches 


23,921 回視聴•2020/08/10
チャンネル登録者数 2.84万人




おおお遊びが拡張している…。こんなこと最初は考えてなかったんでしょうけどね…。4コマ漫画とかどうよ、おもしろいの?それ? でもいまいちならやめるだろうし、とにかく一人でやる分にはいろいろできるから、そこが遊びのいいところなんだよね。
Wow! Hiroshi started to expand his play field. I guess he did not think of such development at first. Four-frame cartoon? Can he draw interesting cartoons?  That's OK, if it is not so exciting, he can take his marbles and go back to his camp.  Anyway, you can experiment with anything you like by yourself and that's the point of playing.

”仕事”しないから面白いコンテンツ Charmingly unmatured video content

そもそもわたしが復活したヒロシが面白いと思ったのは『迷宮グルメ 異郷の駅前食堂』というテレビ番組を観始めてからです。いわゆる”旅番組”らしくないところが面白いと思いました。アポイントも(基本)なければ、名所めぐりもない、ゲストもいない。ただ、ヒロシが電車に乗って海外の(基本)地方都市を訪れ、(基本)駅前の店を直感で選び、適当なものを頼んで食べる番組です。ヒロシは現地の勉強は一切しません。スマホの検索などもってのほかです。なので、思ったものを食べはぐれたり、冷たくあしらわれたりもします。そこが非常にリアルでいいです。だって、旅の食事で大外れって、あるでしょ?

I started to pay attention revivaled Hiroshi when I started to watch a TV program called "Meikyu Gourmet; Station-front restaurant in a strange land."  The program does not look like a so-called travel program. There is basically no appointment and no popular spots. No gest either.  He just takes a local train to visito a local city overseas, dropping in a nearby restaurant for lunch with his feelings for lunch. No study of the local language, and NEVER google. So he sometimes misses eating what he wanted or gets the cold shoulder. That is very realistic and I like it. You sometimes visit an awful restaurant while travelling, right?

『迷宮グルメ 異郷の駅前食堂』 という”仕事”しない旅番組 Private-like travel program "Meikyu Gourmet"

SUNNY TSENG チャンネル登録者数 339人


「蛋」(ダン、卵のこと)を「蚕」(かいこ)と勘違いして「食べるの?」って怯えたり(わたしも昔怯えました)、「タン」(dan) の発音を「グラタン?」っと思いこんだり。でも…旅ってこうですよね。基本ご飯ものがお好きで、チャーハン類を頼むことが多いです。このように、敢えて名物や名店紹介ではないのもいい。

Hiroshi scares the Chinese character of 「蛋」because it looks like 「蚕」.  (I used to think that way before.) He also mistakes "dan" for "gratin." Yes, that's a trip. He likes rice so he often orders fried rice. No specialities at well-known restaurants for foodies.  

He accepted the offer for this program because he can make it in his own way. Although actual shooting is handled by six crew, Hiroshi is the only figure on the TV screen and does, go, speak and eat what he likes. This is a luxury travel program in a sense.
No, it's not a "travel program" but a "travel." That's it!  Even amid the pandemic, I hope to go "travel" and I'm not interested in a "travel program." That is the appeal of Hiroshi's content. People watch Hiroshi's camping-solo channel can feel "campling," not watching a "camp program."

”仕事師”高田純次の旅との比較 Comparison with Jyunji Takada's professional travels


I used to enjoy "Takada Jyunji's Asia Purapura" (2012-2015). He is an irresponsible dandy who always repeats "beautiful!" or "漂亮" whenever he found girls. He remarks "this taste is unremarkable" when he tries something at a good restaurant. Such a frank attitude was very fresh at least in the early 2010s.  Even so, when compared with Hiroshi's program, the beautiful girls, famous hotels and restaurants appear in "Asia Purapura" make you think "this is a travel program created by professional people." No wonder because Jyunji is a Mr. after-five professional for the bubble period.

台湾の美女と”仕事”にいそしむ高田純次 Professional Jyunji and Taiwanese beauties


高田純次のアジアぷらぷら【#71 台湾Ⅱ③烏来編】 15 09 13 SJA
1,617 回視聴•2017/04/14
hien nay 1 チャンネル登録者数 32人

Jyunji repeats "beaut!" or "漂亮!" whenever he found girls and he is always with girls like 007. A Japanese 007 with sandals and samue kimono.

オークラプレステージ台北で”仕事”する高田純次 Professional Jyunji at Okura Prestage Taipei


20150913 高田純次のアジアぷらぷら【#71 台湾Ⅱ③大倉久和】
4,668 回視聴•2015/10/21
台北大倉久和大飯店 チャンネル登録者数 54人

このパイナップルケーキ…1個200円とは高い。だけど、パッケージの紙がみんな違うのでお土産にはウケそうですね。ただ、同じ値段なら、微熱山丘をお薦めします。衝撃の美味しさでした! 日本のオンラインでも何度か買いましたが、現地のものと基本変わりませんよ。っていうか、空輸?

This Okura's pineapple cake is expensive (200 yen for a piece), but it would gather attention with its colorful paper packaging. For this price level, I recommend you to buy SunnyHills' cakes.  That is shockingly delicious!  I buy them sometimes through its Japanese online shop but they taste the same as those of Taiwan. I guess they are shipped by air from Taipei.

まとめると Wrap it up


Lastly, let us watch Jyunji's very professional MV.

 CRAZY KEN BAND 殺したいほど好き " I love him to death"

36,835 回視聴•2013/09/24
伽羅範破利 チャンネル登録者数 795人




I was hugged by a man under duress
He is never my type
No! No! Never! but he was kind after that
Let me have some soup

I don't know 
Why I feel this way
I cannot explain it
Such a rude, wild, irresponsible man but
I love him to death



…I think that's OK when you love the man it.

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