音楽知識の乏しいわたしの提案を快く引き受け、構成・アレンジ提案、バッキング作成・広東語歌詞制作・素晴らしい歌唱まで手掛けていただいた香港の歌手、Gary Ngさんに、心から感謝申し上げます。
I am grateful to HK singer Mr. Gary Ng, who kindly handled structural planning, arrangement, backing, Cantonese lyrics writing and wonderful vocals, to help me who has only little knowledge of music creation.
- 南島 /South Island in Cantonese ("Tong Poo" by Ryuichi Sakamoto), Lyrics & arrangement by Gary Ng
- 「南島」広東語歌詞と意訳 "South Island" Cantonese Lyrics and free translation
- 日本語→広東語→日本語の周遊旅行(英語経由)Round trip from Japanese to Cantonese via English
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南島 /South Island in Cantonese ("Tong Poo" by Ryuichi Sakamoto), Lyrics & arrangement by Gary Ng
「南島」広東語歌詞と意訳 "South Island" Cantonese Lyrics and free translation
Melody A1:
零碎細沙 清風吹起記憶
Discrete sand, the howling wind blows and bring back memories
似浪花想盛放 接浪起卻平靜
like waves wanting to show their glory
Catching waves, but remaining calm
問晚風 內心可知否這般
May I ask the night wind if it knows the existence of this
Beautiful but lonely夜風よ教えて欲しい あの美しい翳は幻なのか
夢醉半醒玻 璃中賞倒影
Half dreamy and drunk, appreciating the shadows through glasses夢見心地なグラスの向こう
看船走不後退 挽留又太無力
Saw the ferry gone, not coming back最後のフェリーが横切った 無力な僕らを残して
剩滿天海鷗棲身於半空 歇息褪色Wanted to make it stay, but I'm too powerless
Leaving seagulls alone in the sky that resting and slowly fading空は移ろい褪せてゆく 鷗たちを残して
Melody B:
於廟宇中 只望見野草
Being inside the temple, I can only see weeds.
卜問告知 厄運會到訪
I divined and was told that bad luck was coming
警示也無礙 我踏向前面
Warnings signs are not stopping me from stepping forward禁じられた森に踏み入る二人
那可以找到擺脫一切苦痛的路To that path that leads me to break free from all the suffering
Regardless of direction, walking to the wrong path intentionally
森の深さに迷うばかりMelody A2:
共你挽手 相約於沙灘
Holding hands with you and meeting at the beach as we agreed君の手を取り渚を目指す
太陽依山漸降 兩人背影重疊
The sun is slowly falling behind the mountain
The shadows of us overlap夕陽は山の彼方 僕らの影が重なり合う
伴你雙雙裸足走傾聽經 過的軌跡
I would like to walk barefoot with you
Listening to the tracts we walked past君の素足が砂を踏む音 耳を離れない
If the dawn never comes again in the rest of our life
你仍抱擁著我 笑著和我凝望
You would still hold me, staring and smiling at me
君がそばにいて 微笑んでくれるのなら
May this peninsula be our home for the rest of our lives一生ここで暮らそう
Listening to our laughter
日本語→広東語→日本語の周遊旅行(英語経由)Round trip from Japanese to Cantonese via English
The above Japanese is a free translation by tokyocabin. English lyrics were translated by a Cantonese translator. Gary's Cantonese lyrics are based on the concept of my original lyrics in Japanese. However, if you directly translate Japanese lyrics into Cantonese (or other languages), it could not be a "song." The largest problem is the volume of information. You can say more than double meanings in Cantonese as compared with in Japanese. So if you translated Japanese lyrics into Cantonese, you need to add extra words along with the image of the song.
日本語歌詞は英語など外国語に比べて長くなってしまう定めについてはこの記事をどうぞ。Japanese lyrics tend to be longer than English and other languages. Please refer to this article.
英語ですらこんなに差があるのですが、広東語になると、半分以下の長さ(時間)で日本語の意味が言えてしまいます。その点については下記の記事の「李香蘭」 (張學友)と「行かないで」(玉置浩二)の比較部分をご参照ください。
The above comparison is Japanese and English. Cantonese is a more data-rich (or time-saving) language than English. If you try to say the same meanings with a Japanese sentence, it would take less than a half of that for Japanese. For this theme, please read my comparison between "Li Xiang Lan" by Jacky Cheung and "Ikanaide" by Koji Tamaki.
I re-interpreted the Cantonese lyrics written by Gary by intaking the image of Cantonese, helped by English translation. That's a totally idiomatic translation. For example, 零碎細沙 means "discrete sand," but I worte "柔らかい砂 (soft sand)" which match to my image in Japanese as an original lyrics writer (excuse me, did you forget about Akiko Yano?). Accordingly there is a disconnect among Japanese lyrics, Canotonese lyrics and Japanese translation. However, as a translator, I find much interest in such a linguistic disconnect.
Anyway, the point is whether the writer is able to verbalize what he /she felt at the "isleland," the site of imagination. Gary went to there and be back with 零碎細沙. Of course the "island" is a little different from mine and that's natural. If you listeners visit your own "island" and enjoy it, nothing would make me happier.
In a word, "Explor your island."
To Be Continued
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