ニュースとテレビとSNSチェックと夕食と菓子をやめております I stopped checking news, TV programs, SNS and having dinner and sweets


最近いろんなことを辞めているのですが、それによってどうなるのか? 記録の意味も込めて書きます。

I've started to quit various things these days. Let me see what would happen. This is a kind of record.  


I changed the google setting on my adroid smartphone so that news won't pop up anymore. When you turned off Discovery app, the google serch engine interface will be a plaine white wall except a serch wind. I have never seen Yahoo News.

 Google Discover をオフにする方法  How to turn off your Google Discover


104 回視聴•2020/07/04  ITツールの使い方

テレビのニュースを一切見てはいけない理由  Reasons you should not watch TV news


294,696 回視聴•2021/01/29 【新】フェルミ漫画大学 チャンネル登録者数 21.3万人

  • ニュースは恐怖心を煽ってクリックさせる>>​ 悪いニュースは広告料が稼げるから増える
  • 大事なことはニュースを見ていなくてもわかること
  • 時間がもったいない
  • 意思の力で見ないようにすることはできない
  •  幸せに生きるためには、見えなくていいものがある。
  • ​News kindle fear in you
  • Bad news increase because they can generate money​   
  • No need to watch news to know things important
  • Don't waste you time
  •  Your will cannot beat news
  • There are things you don't have to watch to live your happy life  

途中経過:自分と関係ないことでイライラする時間が減ります。なくなりました。大地震とか消費税とか、進退に関わるような超重要なニュースはJapan Times1面に大きく出るのでそれで十分です。(Japan Times online も、専らBusiness欄だけしか読んでいません)

Progress: I dont' spend my time for gettomg iritated by news and ideas that are basically nothing to do with my life. Critically important news, such as huge earthquakes and consumption tax, will be displayed in the top page of Japan Times and that's enough for me. (I only check the Business pages of Japan Times online for my job.)

テレビやめた  I stopped watching TV programs


 「テレビ捨てろ」イケハヤ "Throw away TV" Hayato Ikeda


52,823 回視聴•2019/03/19 イケハヤ大学 

<テレビのデメリット> Cons of watching TV

  • 進行が遅くて脳が劣化 
  • NHK受信料の無駄(同じ料金ならNetflixを3倍速で見よう!)
  • 低レベルな情報で脳汚染
  • 物欲が刺激される
  • リビングの場所を取る
  • Slow process of TV programs will damage your brain
  • No need to NHK reception fee (You should watch Netflix at triple speed for the same fee)
  • Low level information will contaminate your brain
  • TV program will enhance your matemaristic desire
  • TV set needs large space in your living room


Progress: No problem at all. Instead I've got a chunk of time. I gained about two hours by stopping watching Google News, SNS and TV. 2 x 30 = 60 hours. It seems better to use the solid block of time for studying.  

テレビ業界そのものの質も落ちているようである   Quality of the TV indusry is falling

<テレビをやめると良いこと> Pros of stop watching TV

  • 情報収集の効率アップ
  • コスト削減
  • 部屋が広くなる
  • 無駄な買い物が減る
  • More effective information collection 
  • Cost-cut
  • Larger room space 
  • No impulsive buying

SNSや動画を毎日チェックやめた I stopped daily checking of SNS and YouTube


I do Instagram, Twitter and YouTube, my favorite. However, I learnt that I am spending a lot of my time and energy to unimportant information.  Paying attention always to SNS seems to be very unhealthy. One checking a day would be enough. Or less?    


 スマホ依存症から脱却するための8つの方法 How to get away from smartphone **


169,672 回視聴•2021/02/22b【新】フェルミ漫画大学

  • 「何かが起こるかもしれない」と思うからハマる(SNSはドーパミンを利用している)
  • スマホによって集中力が失われる(ポケットに入れていてもダメ)
  • テーブルの上にスマホを出すな
  • SNSを使うほど孤独になる(人と比較するため劣等感を与えられやすい)
  • ブルーライトによって不眠になる(メラトニン分泌を抑えてしまう。ブルーライトを青空と勘違いするため。寝るときはスマホは別の部屋に置くこと)
  • IT企業のトップは子供にスマホを与えない(中毒性の危険を理解しているため)
  • 運動をすることがスマホへの対抗策
  • People into SNS because of expectation that something may happen (SNS leverages dopamine)
  • SNS absorbs you attention (even if you put your smartphone in the picket)
  • Don't put your smartphone on the table
  • SNS makes you lonely (SNS celebrities give you inferiority complex)
  • Blue light makes you insomnia (Your brain mistakes blue light as blue sky and curbs  production of melatonin. You should keep your smartphone out of your bedroom when you sleep)
  • IT firm CEOs do not give smartphones to their children (because they understand well the addictiveness)
  • Counter smartphones with doing exercise
スマホから脱却する8つのアドバイス 8 tips to get away from your smartphone



Don't use your smartphone for features that can be done other devices
Turn off all notifications of your smartphone
Limit time to check chats and mail
Don't handle or look smartphone when you meeting someone
Don't put smartphone in your bedroom
Do exercise at least two hours a week
Uninstall SNS on your smartphone and use your PC



Progress: No problem at all.  I believe that I can "discover" something exciting on SNS but actually it is mostly filled with ads.

はてなブログのスターやめた I stopped hatena brog stars


I feel bad to kind people who put stars on my blog but I quit stars. I am trying to minimize my blog operation. Because I only check and write blogs at the fixed time, my response is slow. Please understand.


Progress:  Hatena blog visitors represent about 4% of total visitors and it shrank to 1%. That said, not a significant change overall.

夕食やめた I stopped having dinner


I am carrying out everyday 16-hour fasting to make my body rejuvenate. I basically do not eat after lunch. So easy because you don't feel about your dinner at all! If I feel hungry, I suppose to have a small portion of yogurt or protein drink.



Today, I got to know the fact that Hirohiko Araki, the writer of "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure," who is also famous for his unusually young face) also has a meal a day. (This is a crucial evidence!)  I actually read this data many time, but I did not pay attention how he eats food while focusing on swimming every morning. 

rakfast: Home-made vegitable juice
Lunch: Vegetable-based diet
Supper: NA

Effect of dietary restriction (fasting) is absed on the autophagy theory by Yoshinori Ohkuma, who won 2016 Nobel Prize.

 ノーベル賞を受賞した断食の秘密 Secret of fasting won Novel Prize


573,183 回 視聴•2019/02/04 
ブライトサイド | Bright Side Japan チャンネル登録者数 154万人


Autophagy=auto (self) + phagy (eat).  Cells in your body destroy old proteins to reconstruct themselves. You can drive this autophagy function by stopping eating for 16 hours.


Progress:  I stop deciding dinner, shopping for food materials, preparing dinner, eating, and  washing dishes.  By doing so, I save two hours and 1,000  yen every day. In a month, I've got 60 hours and 30,000 yen. Fasting is not hard to do once you get used to it. Moreover, you feel comfortable and gain concentration power.

朝食にパンをやめた  I stopped eating bread for breakfast


朝食で、GI値の高いパンを低GIのミューズリーに置き換えると、なんとお昼ごはんのGI値まで、下げてくれる! これを「セカンドミール効果」と呼ぶ。

My new breakfast consists of the follows: Non-sugar muesli and yogurt, boiled egg and banana. I used to bake bread, make toast, put butter and jams and prepare omlet. It takes too much.

When you replace high-GI (Glycemic Index) bread with low-GI muesli, it can lower the GI of your lunch! This is called "second-meal effect."

途中経過:毎日ミューズリーを食べるようになってお通じもいいしお腹もすきません。用意は10分のところが3分で済むし、コストも300円は低い。7 x 30 = 2,100分。月に3.5時間と10,000円浮きます。

Progress: Every muesli is very good for your bowel movements and prevents you from getting hungry. It takes only 3 minutes for simple preparation instead of 10 minutes.  300 yen lower in cost. 7 x 30 = 2,100 minutes.Accordingly you can save 3.5 hours and 10,000 yen a month.

お昼の弁当やめた  I stoped preparing lunch box


I bring fruits, vegetables and a boiled egg. All you should add is a pack of sandwiches or a rice ball. I must be better if you can prepare by yourself. You can avoid afternoon sleepiness with this humble lunch. (I used to aften drift off on my desk.)  If you are not enough, buy protein drink Savas at a convenience store.


Progress: Because it takes 20 minutes to make a bento, I can save 20 x 20 = 7 hours. I don't feel hungry nor get sleepy, thanks to the second meal effect that stabilizes blood sugar.

市販のお菓子やめた  I stopped having commercially available sweets


I have basically stopped eating sweets these years, but now totally stopped.  Having stopped eating commercially available sweets using shortening (trans fat), such as cookies, I came to hate them. I ate nuts and fruits instead. If I really want to eat cookies, I'll bake some in a simple way. I don't like to spend much time baking now.

途中経過:300円x 30=9,000円の節約。プラス花粉症が改善されたので年間薬代など2万円は使わずに済みます。

IProgress: 300 yen x 30 = 9,000 yen saving, plus improvement in pollen allergy, which needs 20,000 yen for pharmaceuticals, etc. a year.

Please read the following article for pollen allergy: 

夜更かしするのやめた I stopped staying up late


I sleep at 10 every day. Switch off smartphone and PC before 9.  I spent an hour before sleep reading. Now I'm hooked on Balzac.

スタンフォード式 最高の睡眠 The stanford for Ultimate Sound Sleep


【8分で解説】スタンフォード式 最高の睡眠|超一流の眠り方
1,298,310 回視聴•2019/11/30 サラタメさん【サラリーマンYouTuber】 チャンネル登録者数 54.6万人


You should take a bath 90 minutes before going to bed in order to lower your deep body temperature.


For me, exercise at 8 at night is helpful for sleeping.  My current favorite program is this.

Pamela Reifのエクサイズは甘くないが理にかなっている Pamela Reif's program is not very easy but reasonable

Pamela Reif チャンネル登録者数 638万人


Progress: Sleeping matters!  I think the speed of handling my job has improved.

まとめ  Wrap-up


By cutting media and meals, I can save 4 hours a day.  For your time with a limit, the 4 hours are astonishingly important. Actually, quitting is fun. I'm going to review my life further.


To Be Continued

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