『チェンソーマン』全9巻を1,332円以下で読む方法【理論編】How to read all "Chainsaw Man" volumes for 1,332 yen-in theory


前書き Introduction

遂にというか当然のごとくアニメ化を発表した『チェンソーマン』ですが、原作漫画を最安値で読む方法、理論編です! 何と、計算では1,332円以下で全9巻分の「胸が揉めるゼ~」!
At last, or should I say naturally? The annoucement of the animation plan of "Chainsaw Man" was announced. Today, I am going to show you the way to read the miraculous manga at the lowest price (in theory). According to my calculation, "you can squeeze breasts!," no, "you can read all nine volumes for 1,332 yen or less!"

すでにファンメイドでアニメ化されている『チェンソーマン』 "Chainsaw Man" animation made by fans

Chainsaw Man 『チェンソーマン』 Fan animation MAD 2 - YouTube

Chainsaw Man 『チェンソーマン』 Fan animation MAD 2
76,149 回視聴•2020/08/23 Filip チャンネル登録者数 793

このファンメイドAMV集カワイイ。後半「東京事変 - 幕ノ内サディスティック」はEDっぽい。
This fan-made AMV compilation is cute. The latter part with "Marunouchi Sadistic" by Tokyo Jihen looks like ED of the coming TV program.  



This is NOT an article to "introduce you services you can enjoy a variety of contents at reasonable prices"! Never. This is an article specialized in one goal: to read all nine volumes of "Chainsawman" at the lowest price."

1巻は現在基本無料  Volume 1 is basically for free until January


You can read the very first volume of "Chainsaw Man" for free by Shonen Jump via various apps. It is a part of rollout ads, I guess. However, be careful because the free-offer is scheduled to end in January 3. I hope you to check the following article on the official website of Shonen Jump.


So I ignore the free first volume because you might not be able to reread after January (If I feel like rereading it)!

集英社だからってゼブラックに行くそこのあなた!Don't go to Zebrack by Shueisha


That's OK! It is reasonable for you to visit Zebrack operated by Shueisha, the publisher of Jump. I also thought in that way.



460 yen per volume. 460 yen x 9 vols = 4,140 yen (1 coin=1 yen)


Conclusion: Despite the service offered by Shueisha, the price is a pure market one. Nonsense!  


たまに世話になるU-NEXTに行くが U-NEXT is famous, but...






In U-NEXT, you pay 1,990 yen monthly charge and earn 1,200 points. (1 point=1yen)
Initial 600 points are offered for free...
1,200+600 points=1800/459 yen=3 vols and 423 points
Maximum 40% of your purchase (20% for iOS) will be returned in point 32 days after. I will buy 6 vols... wait a minute! I need to pay another monthly charge before the 32th date.  


In order to enjoy 40% point return, you need two months.
1,999 yenx2=3,998 yen plus additional price for remaining volumes 
You'd better buy at Zebrack!


Conclusion: 40% point return is meaningless "to read all nine volumes of 'Chainsawman' at the lowest price."


ちょっとお休み☆8ビットポチタ(おぴお画伯)Break☆8-bit Pochita  by Opio


He is such a genius that he can draw it in a sec!

お待たせ大本命はFODプレミアム! The answer is FOD Premium!!

Well, well, playtime is over. I will show my real power with elegant figures.
The answer is FOD (Fuji Television On Demand) Premium Membersihp!  

え? フジテレビで『チェンソーマン』やるの?って、まだアニメのチャンネルは決まっていないよ。そうじゃなくて、フジテレビがやってるFODは、テレビアニメだけでなく漫画もやってるのです。
What?  Is the "Chainsaw Man" to be broadcast by Fuji Television? No, the broadcaster for the animation is undecided for now.  I mean that FOD by Fuji Television offers TV animation programs and manga.

  • ポイント1 月会費が888円  Monthly membership charge 888 yen
  • ポイント2 1,300円分ポイントが毎月つく 1,300 points earned each month
  • ポイント3 チェンソーマンが418円  418 yen for one volume
  • ポイント4 買ったその場で20%還元  Prompt 20% point return 
  • ポイント5 会員やめても読める  Can read even after quitting monthly membership 


At a glance, that's like this!



1か月目 888円の月会費

2か月目 888円の月会費

3か月目 888円の月会費

 合計  888円x3か月=2,664円+888ポイント


Month-1 888 yen monthly membership charge
1,300 points / 418 =3 vols + 46 points + 250 points retrun

Month-2 888 yen monthly membership charge
1,300 points / 418 =3 vols + 46 points + 250 points retrun

Month-3 888 yen monthly membership charge
1,300 points / 418 =3 vols + 46 points + 250 points retrun

 Total  888 yenx3 mo=2,664 yen+888 points


Conclusion: You can read all 9 vols of "Chainsaw Man" for 2,664 yen at FOD!

ん?ちょっと待たんかい? 「全巻を1,332円以下で読む方法⁈」は釣りなのかい?
Hey! Wait!  I think you said  "you can read all 9 vols for 1,332 yen or less!"  Did you lie to me?

Noooo, there is a way ...OK, I'll use the God Mode!

  • ポイント6 5つのデバイスで共有可能
    つまり家族や友達と分け合える‼  You can share purchased manga among 5 devices, i.e. your families and friends!!


2人で1,332円    for two
3人なら888円!   for three
なんなら5人なら533円!  for five people!


Conclusion: You can read all 9 vols of "Chainsaw Man" for price between 533 yen and 1,332 yen by sharing them with others  at FOD!

For details, please check the bellow:  (The first two weeks are free of charge) 

注意点と予告 Point to note and previous notice

When you share your content with other, you need to pay attention of the treatment of the common account information. 

FOD Premium ID is linked to below various individual ID when you register your account:

  1. フジテレビID   Fuji Television ID
  2. Yahoo! JAPAN ID
  3. 楽天会員ID  Rakuten membership ID
  4. 大手携帯キャリアID(「docomo ID」、「au ID」、「My SoftBank認証」) Major telecom carrier such as docomo ID, au ID and My SoftBank Certification


In order to secure individual info, each person should choose "1. Fuji Television ID." For detail I'll report in "How to read all "Chainsaw Man" volumes for 1,332 yen-in practice"☆

まとめ Wrapping-up

以上、「『チェンソーマン』全巻を1,332円以下で読む方法【理論編】」でした! どうですか? FODまじわるくないよね。たぶんね…フジテレビは”テレビコンテンツの視聴率(古雅な響きだなあ)上げたい”という事情があるのでその分安いんじゃかな。いずれにせよ、盲点ですよコレ。まあ、このブログはクリエイティブな”盲点”にフォーカスしておりますゆえ。


  I have now provided you with "How to read all "Chainsaw Man" volumes for 1,332 yen-in theory"!  FOD is not bad, ha?  I guess that Fuji Television offers reasonable service because they need to hike the "TV viewer rates" (Alas! What an antique word! ) of their television content. This is a blind spot, right? Basically, this blog is focusing on unique blind spots of the creative industry on the Internet.  

"How to read all "Chainsaw Man" volumes for 1,332 yen-in practice"


Such a genius !

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