Andrew Langdonインタビュー☆ピアノとエレクトロとのハローグッバイ/ Hello, Goodbye to Piano and Electro


春ですね…いろいろあるけど…春なんですよ! そんな春もよい、、YouTubeで、「ふと、めっけた!素敵なエレクトロ曲」の作者にインタビューしました! 紹介します。サンフランシスコのアンドリュー・ランドンさんです!


エレクトロ曲に包まれる巣ごもりの早春哉 / Electro and Spring

RS1 (Room Sample One)- Andrew Langdon
1,019 回視聴•2019/05/01
Andrew Langdon
チャンネル登録者数 441人


作曲をするようになったきっかけは? / Music and I

Where did you learn music and how long have you been creating music?


 I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. My introduction to playing music started because I was forced to play piano as a child, from 1st to 12th grade. I hated it. My teacher was always mad at me, and I practiced the minimum amount to satisfy her and my parents.

when the time comes (時が来たら)-Andrew Langdon
300 回視聴•2019/05/01
Andrew Langdon



エレクトロ・ミュージックを作るようになったきっかけは親とのケンカだった。友達と酒飲んで怒られて部屋に閉じ込められてさ。部屋で退屈だったから、Fruity Loops(FL Studio)ってプログラムを不法ダウンロードして、エレクトロ曲を作り始めたんだ。ほとんど遊びで。たくさんフレーズを作ったよ、聴くに堪えないのばっか! 今はほとんどどっかいっちゃったな。そのあとは、曲を書く時期と、疲れて書けない時が交互にある。10年前に曲を書き始めたけど、書くエネルギーがない時期が何年もあったよ。

I started writing electronic music when I was in trouble with my parents: they locked me inside the house because they caught me drinking underage with some friends. I was bored, and found an illegal download of a program called Fruity Loops. I started writing electronic music, mostly just playing around. I wrote out a bunch of short pieces, most of which are very hard to listen to! And a lot of them have been lost. I've been writing electronic music on-and-off ever since. I will have long periods where I write, and long periods where I feel too tired to do anything. I started about 10 years ago, but I had many years where I didn't have the energy to write.

Keys(鍵)-Andrew Langdon

Andrew Langdon | Keys || NCALIB
103 回視聴•2019/11/25
NCALIB チャンネル登録者数 2590人


ピアノと音楽機材について /  Piano and DAW

Do you play the piano by yourself? Some of your works contain beautiful and nostalgic piano melody. Also, could you share your creation environment such as MIDI.

ピアノは全部自分で弾いてる。カレッジでキャンパス内を観て歩いててたら、使われてないただっぴろい部屋でグランドピアノを見つけちゃって。なのに曲を全然忘れてるんだよ。12年も苦行したくせによ! しょうがないからただ座って遊んだんだ。めちゃくちゃにキーを叩いて、適当なコードにしたりして。楽譜は使わずに。そんな感じで即興で弾くことを覚えたんだ。

2. I play all the piano myself. When I was in college, I would explore the campus by sneaking into random buildings. I found a beautifully secret grand piano in a large, unused room. Looking at the piano, I realized that I didn't know how to play a single song, after 12 years of pain! So I decided to just sit down and have fun, pressing random keys and chords to see what I liked, and I wasn't going to read music. That's how I learned improvisation.

Waiting (待ちわびて)-Andrew Langdon

Andrew Langdon - Waiting
3,971 回視聴•2019/11/23
No Copyright Music
チャンネル登録者数 2.03万人



I still don't like reading music or practicing the same thing over and over. Maybe that attitude is holding me back from being better, but I'm trying to focus on fun instead of having goals.




 音楽スタジオはすっごいミニマル。AbletonのDAWと大きなmidi キーボード だけ。サンフランシスコの古いアパートメントは狭いから、ベッドルームを占拠しちゃってる! ピアノを置くために小さいベッドにしたくらい。ナイトスタンドなんて、ピアノの椅子の半分しかない。

My music studio is fairly minimal, I use Ableton as my digital audio workstation and I have a large midi keyboard. I don't have much space in San Francisco, so it takes up most of my bedroom! In my old apartment, I had to buy a smaller bed to fit my piano in the room, and the piano bench doubled as my night-stand. 


Billie Eilish&Finneas ビリーアイリッシュ&フィニアス Grammy Awards グラミー賞[和訳]
75,548 回視聴•2020/01/27
ウィスカーズ チャンネル登録者数 48人

"We just make music in the bedroom together" 


 7年間くらいはノートブックPCのトラックパッドで曲を書いていたよ…お薦めはしない! PCよりキーボードの方が楽しいもん。MIDIコントローラですぐに音を出してみればアイデアも出やすいしね。

For about 7 years I just wrote using the trackpad on my laptop...I wouldn't recommend it! It's more fun to play with physical gear, and you'll find more ideas if you can test notes quickly using a MIDI controller.

 Follow Me (ついて来て)-Andrew Langdon

Andrew Langdon - Follow Me
189 回視聴•2019/12/09
Video Stream チャンネル登録者数 1510人

ベッドを小さくしてもデカいMIDIキーボードを優先させるとは、サンフランシスコの住宅事情って、東京に近い? もしかして、アンドリューは「サンフランシスコ・キャビン」さんなのだろうか。と、親しみを感じてしまいました。


いま追及していることはなに?/ New Direction

You are creating various types works expanding from minimal electric ones to rather pop ones with beats. What are you currently pursuing?


I'm currently exploring singing and experimental percussion. Here's a sample of the project I'm working on now:


You can hear that it's pretty different than the song I released previously:

リリース目前のEPから3曲 -Andrew Langdon

winter got me down + maybe i'm fine + up ahead all i see is black
74 回視聴•2020/03/24
Andrew Langdon
チャンネル登録者数 442人


毎日少しずつ歌を練習しているんだ! コロナウィルスのせいでサンフランシスコの街がロックダウンされてからというもの、友達にオーディオファイルを送ってもらって、それをもとに歌を創っているあげるんだ。ちょっとしたデジタルギフトだね。音楽で食べている人たちを助けたいと思って!

I've been practicing a little singing every day! Also, since the city has been shutdown due to Coronavirus, I have been trying to get my friends to send me audio files, so I can write songs for them, as a little digital gift. I would love to help people write music for a living!


アンビエントではないかな… / Not ambient but ....



I would not consider my works ambient, although the definition for ambient is very loose. An ambient song generally does not take your full attention, instead it sits in the background, with the rest of the noises around you. It adds subtle noise to everything else you experience. They change your experience without being the focal point. I will be working on ambient music in the future!

作曲のインスピレーションはどこから?/ Inspired by

Where do you get inspiration for your works? Who are your favorite musician/artists?


I get inspiration from everything, there is always something to learn and enjoy in every sound. Recently, I've been listening to Gregorian chants. They're haunting, and they evoke lots of musical feeling with very little sound, it's usually just voice and a large room.

去年はVulfpeckが一番気に入ってたね。この2年間はファンク・ミュージックを浴びるほど聴いてきたよ。ここのところインスパイアされるのはBoards of CanadaAphex Twinだね。ぼくの最新プロジェクトを聴くとわかると思うけど!

My favorite band in the last year is probably Vulfpeck. I've been listening to a lot of funk music for the last two years. My early inspiration was Boards of Canada and Aphex Twin, I think you can hear some of that in my latest project!

Boards of Canada、かっこいい。Aphex Twinは昔聴いてたけど、今も健在だったんですね。たしかにアンドリューの音に彼らの影響を感じます。

VULFPECK /// Animal Spirits

VULFPECK /// Animal Spirits
2,275,108 回視聴•2017/03/21
Vulfpeck チャンネル登録者数 38.3万人

LAのファンクバンドVulfpeckはおしゃれファンクで今風! この動画もあえて日本語翻訳を中央に”あしらう”ことによりCity Pop感覚を出しております。でも、歌詞と演奏をよく味わうと、じんわりいい曲であり実力のほどがしっかりわかってしまう。

犬派?(=^・^=)派?? / Cat or Dog?

Are you a cat person? or you like doggies?

どっちも好き! 犬は人懐っこいけど、猫は独立してる。でも自分アレルギーなの…。

5. Both! I like the friendliness of dogs and the independence of cats. But I'm very allergic :


20,522,857 回視聴•2010/05/01
501krgan0404 チャンネル登録者数 2740人

最後にメッセージ / Message

Any message to my readers mostly Japanese?

僕の曲を聴いてくれてありがとう! 聴いてハッピーになれるといいな。健康で安全に気を付けてね。今はみんなが大変な時だけど、きっと乗り切れるよ!」


Thanks for listening! I hope the music brings you joy. I hope you are all staying healthy and safe. It's a very difficult for everyone right now, but we can do it!
Andrew Langdon

まとめ / Wrap-up

最新MV "WAVE" (波)-Andrew Langdon

11 回視聴•2020/04/04 Andrew Langdon


"Waves" are keep changing, showing countless forms of beauty. That can be the attitude of the creator as well as the essence of our life.


Through this interview, I understand his honest stance of pursuing fun and interesting "sounds" for himself at his own pace.  I am looking for his EP coming up.

Thank you Andrew! 

関連する過去記事 / Past Youtuber Inverview
