【本邦初!】ユニークなR&B動画のデズモンド・デニスにインタビュー!-1 / Interview With Desmond Dennis, A Unique R&B Singer -1



This is an exclusive interview with R&B singer Desmond Dennis  conducted by tokyocabin. Capitalizing on his musical talent, video production skills and creativity, Desmond is expanding his activities centered on YouTube. 



デズモンド・デニスとは? / Who Is Desmond Dennis?


Check these out.




スカイプ・インタビュー / Skype Interview With Desmond Dennis


いきなりですが…演技って勉強なさったんでしょうか?/ Firstly, ...Did You Learn Acting?

No, no. (laughing.) Since I was a kid, I like re-enacting the movie I watched. When creating a new video, I do brainstorming about different ideas and roleplaying different characters. I always try to add something new to my covers. I wanna stay true to many subscribers, making it entertainment, making it just a little different with others. I'd like to add a sense of comic, go the extra mile. I offer something to watch while listening to the music.
 We know that he alywas go the extra mile.

1960年代世代みたいに… / As If I Was Born In The 1960s ...


When I was a kid, people watched Usher, in my teenage years Chris Brown. Of course I still (like their) tunes, but I am more focusing on older songs. Those are all my songs are originated from. I was born in 1994 but a I saw the films like as if I was born in the 1960s. I love the fact I did that because it make me feel the style of singing as well as dancing and once I feel like that I pretty much head down, I then moved to, the 70s, 80s, 90s, and finally I've got caught up with what's going on right now, but that made me learn so many different styles of singing and dancing that I can cooperate with my music now I'm dancing. When I do covers and things like that I just try to touch different areas so I grab the attention from different audiences of all different ages.


Drake - Controlla (The Five Heartbeats Version) by: @DesmondMDennis - YouTube

The amazing transformation of a Drake's song into a legendary scene of "the Five Heartbeats," the move on the Temptations. 



The Five Heartbeats (1991) scene - A Heart is a House for Love - YouTube



どの分野の作品が気に入っていますか? Which Kind Of Works Do You Like Best? 

もちろん自分で書いたオリジナル曲が一番好きだよ。全部一から作って、自分の考えがビデオの中で形になるのが見られるからね。Of course I love original songs best because I can start from scratch and see my idea come to life in the videos.


I love acoustic style music like a verse of Ed Sheeran. I love songs true to a story because those are easy to (make) videos turn into a musical one and then have a story just by listening to the song I come with the whole concept of the videos, and honestly those are type of song people can really in to it, so it's really bad.


Desmond Dennis - Addiction - YouTube


Among his original songs, tokyocabin recommends you this tune. Sexy, sophisticated sounds with a relatively simple melody.



他のユーチューバーとのコラボについて / Collaboration With Other YouTubers


Now I've got a foundation of a lot of different YouTubers… collaborating with a lot of different artists, such as Calista Quinn. I cover the music from the production and creativity that I put to, aside from the arrangement like vocal arrangement, so they just join.


As for "The Courtroom Sings Killing Me Softly," Calista Quinn came over and we recorded it and that's when an idea came to me. I thought she wouldn't understand what I had in my mind, so all she did was shooting her part on the green screen. After she left, I shot my part without her. So what she saw as the final product was just mind-blowing because it was so funny, and we put it up (on YouTube). People were just startled by the final cut. The work was so hilarious, and I'm just happy.



A perfect musical comedy with fantastic vocals.





To be continued in part 2!

